Kate from Australia
Thulie from South Africa
Nina from the States

Hallo meine Lieben,
es ist Zeit für Curves Around the World. Heute beginnt eine neue Themenliste und ich freue mich sehr, dass Seasonal unser erstes Thema is. Während Europa zwischen Frühling und Sommer steht, ist es für Kate und Thulie schon fast Winter. Wenn Ihr Euch also durch die einzelnen Posts klickt, werdet ihr diesmal eine besondere Vielfalt erleben.
Heute zeige ich Euch das optimale Zwischending zwischen Frühling und Sommer, denn ich kombiniere eine leichte geblümte Hose (Frühling) mit einer zarten luftigen Bluse (Sommer). Ich bin um beide Teile ziemlich lange umhergeschlichen. Vom ersten Blick an war ich online in beide Teile verliebt. Der Blumenprint macht einfach nur gute Laune und die Bluse ist gut fürs Büro aber auch für die Freizeit. Aber, jetzt kommt das dicke Aber, sollte ich mir wirklich eine geblümte Hose und eine Volantbluse kaufen? Man hat ja immer so seine Vorurteile. Irgendwann konnte ich dann aber nicht mehr widerstehen. Beim Anziehen war ich gleich begeistert von der Qualität und vom Sitz. Beide Teile werde ich Euch sicherlich noch in Zukunft öfter zeigen.

it is time to start a new Curves Around the World theme list and I am very excited to do seasonal at the very beginning. We are almost leaving Spring and entering Summer here in Europe but for Kate and Thulie Winter is about to break in. So when you find your way through the blogs you will see an even greater variety than usual.
Today I show you the perfect outfit to the time between Spring and Summer. I am wearing a long flower print pair of pants (Spring) along with a light blouse (Summer). I was thinking about both of these clothes for a long time before ordering. Online I instantly fell in love with both of them: the pants will keep me in a good mood no matter what and the blouse is good for the office and leisure time. But wait - there is always a "but". Should I really buy flower print pants and a blouse with valance? There is always prejudice. When I was finally trying them on I was thrilled by quality and fitting. For sure I will show you more of them.

Bluse/Blouse - Zizzi
Hose/Pants - Ulla Popken
Flip Flops - Deichmann
Ketten/Necklaces - Mama
Armband/Bracelet - Pilgrim
Tasche/Bag - DKNY
I need to get me some fun trousers! They look so fab and are great for summer! Love this outfit. You look so pretty!
First, your hair is so cute in this post. Also, that blouse is awesome on you, I have not seen anything like it in the local shop here--I'll have to check online for it. It's nice to see a fellow blogger that enjoys the brand, it can be tough to come by for folks not in the EU. I would not be able to pull off those floral pants, but they look great on you, especially with the flip flops :) very seasonal.
AntwortenLöschenThis is a super cute outfit!!!!! I love it as a whole. The print on the pants is adorable and perfectly matched with the fresh white top. Fabulous outfit!!
AntwortenLöschenHallo Jennifer :-) ich hoffe dir geht es gut! Das Outfit ist richtig süß! :) Deine Frisur ist putzig!
Oh I love the floral pants, I've always wanted a pair but I've never found a pair that fit me right. I really like the print on the ones you have they aren't overwhelming with huge print they are like the perfect size. And I think you paired it great with the white flowy top! Your pictures are so always so great by the way! :)
Very cute outfit. It's so simple,but yet stands out at the same time.