es ist Mittwoch, wenn auch schon später am Abend: Zeit für Curves Around the World. Motto dieser Woche ist DIY. Find ich klasse, ich habe meine Liebe zu DIY entdeckt. DIY? Do it yourself! Schmuck mache ich z.B. gerne selbst. Stricken finde auch toll.
Meine Mutter hat mir zu Weihnachten ein wunderschönes Shirt von Via Appia geschenkt. Passend dazu habe ich mir ein Armband und eine Kette gemacht. Warum Schmuck kaufen, wenn ich Ihn auch selber basteln kann? An dieser Stelle noch mal: Danke Mama ♥︎
Wie steht Ihr zu dem Thema DIY? No go oder tolles Hobby?
Schaut Euch auf jeden Fall noch die anderen Mädels an. Auf Kate's Schuhe bin ich wirklich neidisch......
Kate aus Australien
Thulie aus Südafrika
Nina aus den Staaten
Aislynn aus Dänemark
Helen von der Insel

even if it is late, it is Wednesday again: time for Curves Around the World. This week's theme is DIY. Awesome because I recently discovered DIY for me. DIY? Do it yourself! I do like to create jewelry and I love to knit.
For Christmas I got a beautiful shirt of Via Appia from my Mom. For this shirt, I made a bracelet and a necklace. Why should I buy that if I can make it myself? Again at this place: Thank you Mama ♥︎
What do you think about DIY? No go or a great hobby?
Take also a look at the girls handmade treasures. I really love Kate's shoes......
Kate from Australia
Thulie from South Africa - I love you bold but that really really short hair is even better
Nina from the States
Aislynn from Denmark
Helen from UK
Shirt - Via Appia
Cardigan - C&A
Rock/Skirt - Public
Haarband/Head band - dm
Kette/Necklace - DIY
Armband/Bracelet - DIY
Schuhe/Shoes - Deichmann
Jenn I totally agree why buy something when you can make it, I'm so jealous you knit, I've always wanted to learn but it seems so hard so I only crochet. hehe But yeah your necklace and bracelet are lovely, they match your shirt perfectly, I love the blue colors mixed together! :)
Love both the bracelet and necklace, you have a great skill: love it!!! Moreover - all accents of blue mixed together in your outfit are perfect AND thank you so much for the compliment :)
You look utterly gorgeous!! You are such a beautiful girl!! So clever to make the jewellery!!
AntwortenLöschenI'm also a big fan of making my own jewelry, it's a lot of fun and it saves you lots of money (especially if you like lots of different pieces). I really like that necklace :)